Wednesday 28 August 2013


I have never seen where human rights  is so violated as in Nigeria, and the perpetrator go unpunished. PHCN  Owerri Business office violates it customer/consumers rights. You may want to ask in what ways? In electricity billings of   course!!..Look at this typical scenario: Once it’s month end, I observed that PHCN starts aggressive power supply (what I call flashing of light) The light will come and go intermittently or PHCN may decide to give uninterrupted power supply for the weekend and on Monday or Tuesday its off again. Beware once PHCN starts power supply in this manner ,it means that PHCN bills for that month had been distributed to customers by the Business office foot soldiers who are sometimes unprofessional in their approach and interactions with customers when delivering the bills and they, are at the same time to do Meter reading but, prefer to hang the bills on the gate and lazily write at the back of the bill ‘’GL’’ meaning ‘’gate locked’’ and ‘’so I will bill you an amount I choose by my own  estimation’’. Of course as a law abiding citizens and believing that you need to  contribute your own quota to develop our economy and pay up the bill as at when due. Sometimes the PHCN bills ranges from #3,000-#10,000  per month with no regards to if you consume the energy or not .Once I have paid my bill, we endure the flashing(that’s power supply) for another 3-4 days, and the blackout returns fully, till the following month when new bills will be distributed. PHCN makes sure that customers receives the bills and temporarily restores power supply  once again , probably for the entire weekend and  thinking this time it’s for real power is back to stay, I go ahead to pay my bill. No sooner that you have paid the bill that you are reversed back to status quo,  of  total darkness for the rest of the month until PHCN is ready to distribute a new bill for the next month. If you have not noticed this fraud from PHCN, please take note from now on, more so It’s almost end of the month. Always note when power is restored after a long time of being in total   darkness, It’s indeed a vicious cycle. This is fraudulent, more so a Government parastatals or agents ripping off the citizens, they should be serving. Why is the sector deregulation policy not   working   ?  What is holding the key players / buyers   in the sector   from taking over immediately and reform the power sector as it was done in the Telecom industry ? For how long are we to wait, to really enjoy the services we are paying for in PHCN ? Right now we pay for services not rendered nor enjoyed. .Please   lets help to fish out the criminal elements in Power Holding Company of Nigeria plc. (PHCN) What is the way out. ?

1 comment:

  1. Power was restored tday again as usual, am waiting to see how long it last before I pay.
